Another Good Reason That Owners of Horses That Got Beaten by Thee Old Bomb Should Protest – And Why Former CEO Rex Horne Will
See that? The moment that a person licensed under these rules, an official of the club conducting the meeting, an owner of a horse competing in the race, or such owner’s authorised agent becomes aware that a horse in ineligible to compete in a race, they must lodge an objection with the Stewards about the […]
90 Years Later and Here We Are – Wow!
Dazzle and Darby Munro winning at Menangle in 1934. This is the same site used now for harness racing.
EXCLUSIVE: Two Positive Swabs at Menangle – And One Hell of an Almighty Conflict of Interest
News hot off the press is that 2 horses have thrown positive swabs after winning at Menangle. One is trained by Cameron Ross. It’s gone positive to Dexamathasone . That will only get Ross a fine. The other one is the huge surprise. It’s a horse named Lochiel. Guess who trains it? Leon Jurd. Bet […]
Ain’t That the Truth Two Bob? – Quid Est Veritas
The media story you see at the top was authored by some master of history at the Two Bob Rob (Marshall) led Club Menangle. You would hope that Two Bob taught Latin at the Kambala girl’s school better than whoever wrote this knows their harness racing history. Nathan Turnbull was aged 32 in 2015, which […]
Miracle Mile Night Tips For Saturday – Given to You Early So You Can Get on at Top Price
Race 1 – Bubba Gump Pest Control Stakes Betterzipit was incredible last start in the Schweppes Sprint, despite what the form guide says. Cam Hart drove it like an imbecile, and cruelled it’s chances, which would have been huge given a decent steer by Cracker or someone as good as that, which – again despite […]
Thanks JD – See You There- Are Karl and the Girls Coming Too?
Well isn’t that nice of John Dumesny to take time out of his all expenses paid trip to the Blayney Trots on Sunday to invite me to the Carnival of Miracles at Menangle. It would have been even nicer if he’d offered me some tickets to the Directors Lounge like PVL has to the Championships […]
Jack and Jill Climbed Up the Hill – But Are They About to Tumble Back Down?
There is a very strong rumour floating around that a A-sample of certain horses trained by back to back Inter Dominion winner Jason ‘Jill’ Grimson have thrown positive swabs to an EPO like substance. They say that Stewards are awaiting the return of the B-sample to confirm the positive, and that if it does then […]
Peter Profit 12:29 AM (2 minutes ago) to APG Dear ROBERT Your name means this Robert is an old German name that means “bright fame.” It’s taken from the old German name Hrodebert. The name is made up of two elements: “Hrod” which means fame and “Beraht” which means bright. What an omen bet hey? Did […]
Those Goddamn Commies
This is the Club Menangle balance sheet. Less cash. More debt. $12 million less in investments. But never fear. It was all the Russians. And pigs fly.