Just a six months ago Harness Racing New Zealand was forced to slash prizemoney by 10 percent as a result of the code’s freefall in wagering revenue, a loss of interest by punters in the sport. I place the blame for that fairly and squarely on the shoulders of the HRNZ board and management. They […]
What Was Lurch Up To Here?
This is race 8 at Addington yesterday. Watch John ‘Lurch’ Dunn in the red, white and black colours coming down the outside closely. See him deliberately drop his foot from the sulky rest. See him wait about 50m and then look down as if it’s a huge surprise to see his boot leg hanging loose […]
Man Convicted of Criminal Offence for Making Horses Eat Their Own Dung – Does He Remind You of Ben Yole Too?
The man below is this bloke above. An Auckland man who starved his horses, to the point where they had to eat their own faeces, has been sentenced in the Auckland District Court. The man — who had over 40 years experience in the harness racing industry — was convicted of 30 offences involving 11 […]
The Canary Pulls Another Rort – And HRNZ Pull it With Him
Remember the Canary? Andrew Fitzgerald? The dodgy unregistered Kiwi syndicator we have been telling about for a couple of years now who has been selling shares in horses that he doesn’t even own, and sometimes selling them twice. Queen of Swords is one of them. The Off N Racing Syndications Exposed – Part 2 – […]
The People Who Sell Mares With Unregistered Unborn Foals in Their Wombs and Young Colts to China to Die
Remember where all the NZ mares and colts are being exported to? Mongolia. To become trek horses they say. Funny that. https://peterprofit.com/?s=china Here are the list of owners who have sold NZ horses in this month’s consignment to China. It’s time to name them. Things that stay in the shadows always remain dark and hidden. […]
Why Does New Zealand Keep Selling the Chinese Trotters to Abort and Kill?
The exodus of fertile NZ mares to China continues. After our pointed questions about the exports a few weeks back, this time the Chinese buyers have thrown a few colts in. I won’t tell you what they do with horse’s testicles in China. Take a guess. Notice that the male sales are all young. So […]
Cameron Ross is a Victim of Persecution
Cameron Ross is the Aung San Suu Kyi of NSW harness racing, a person persecuted in ways that boggle the mind. Two years ago a horse trained by the Victorian licensee Greg Norman threw a positive swab to the substance Dexamethasone. Norman got a $5000 fine with $4000 of it suspended, meaning that his real […]
Reckon the NZ Government Aren’t Going to Shut the Dogs Down? – Then Think Again
This is a supplementary report that the NZ Government asked the Racing Integrity Board to produce about how to shut greyhound racing in that country down. Why would they ask for such a thing if they didn’t intend to do it? They didn’t ask for a report into keeping the industry going did they? This […]
That Was Sensational – Just Ask Tim Vince, Oops, Sheryl Wigg – Or Dennis Denuto, Oops Dow
Trot driver Sheryl Wigg is well named. The Wigg bit anyway. Everyone needs a good disguise after all. Just ask a millionaire knockabout Hong Kong punting genius with two first names, he will tell you. Sheryl Wigg got sprung giving three horses something over the tongue on race day. She was as guilty as sin, […]
Gettn Wiggy Withit – The Tim Vince Oops Sheryl Wigg Decision In Full – AKA The Anatomy of a Pasting
Introduction [1] I issued a judgment in this matter on 14 March 2023. [2] The parties have been unable to agree on costs. The applicant now seeks an award of costs on a 2B basis and any necessary disbursements: (a) on her application for stay, which Woolford J granted on 30 May 2022; and (b) […]