Nathan Dawson Gets His Pants Pulled Down by the Kiwis – But He Can Turn the Tables – He Just Needs to be Humble, and Refuse to Bow

If Not As Promised is going to go where no Queensland trotter has ever gone before (the Addington winner’s circle) he will need to overcome a wide front line draw but even that isn’t worrying Dwyer. “That is Nathan’s job,” he says of young driver Nathan Dawson. “He is a great instinctive drive and does […]

Meet Phil ‘Sticks’ Holden, The New Boss of the NZ Trots – He Has to Back a Winner One Day Doesn’t He? – If Not Then God Help Us All (First Published June 2023)

Phil Holden was born ad raised in Invercargill, a cold rugged town in the deep south island of New Zealand, where the early settlers were whalers and Scottish immigrants, and people to this day still roll their R’s. Holden completed a Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing at the well-respected University of Otago in the mid […]

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