HRNSW Penalty Guideline For Persons Found Guilty of Presenting a Horse to Race With Levamisole in It’s System

Aggravating factors that may be considered in determining any penalty include, but are not limited to, the following: • prior breaches of the AHRR; • impact on the racing horse; • lack of remorse; • lack of response to any prior warnings issued specifically to the individual, or to widespread notices or educational material issued […]

I Dunno Much, But I Know a Few Things – One of Them is That HRNSW Integrity Manager Michael Prentice is Friar Tucked – Another is Turbo is as Clever as a Fox – And the 3rd is That a Certain Rangiora Vet is a Whole Lot Dodgier Than He Looks

You got the wrong Sam son. The Doc from Rangiora looks heaps straighter, but is a whole lot more bent. Jason Grimson has been going very well over the past couple of years hasn’t he? It’s all in the feed some people want to tell you. They are wrong. The feed helps, and the supplements […]

Ciaron Maher and the Crystal Ball

Ciaron Maher Racing has reached agreement with Racing NSW to take over the state-of-the-art NSW Southern Highlands equine property Bong Bong Farm, formerly the home of Waratah Thoroughbreds. The farm itself is a 97.5-hectare property that boasts 40 paddocks, four architecturally designed barns containing 61 boxes, 1,250-metre turf and sand training tracks, a swimming pool, […]

Update on the Avaiden Matter

This is our mail. On Tuesday the owners of PELICAN FLY (Texeira family) lodged an appeal with the Racing Appeals Tribunal stating the NSW Harness Racing Appeal Tribunal did not have jurisdiction to hear the appeal of AVAIDEN. Mr Texeira engaged a solicitor. The Tribunal gave Mr Texeira until 2pm Tuesday afternoon to lodge submissions […]

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