Mary’s Magic

I don’t always agree with my mate Peter Fitzsimons views, but on this one we are simpatico. If Sam Kerr is God, then Mary Fowler is Jesus. Bless them both, and all the Matilda’s too. What a great name for an Australian sporting team by the way. Perfect, just like our girls are. TFF has […]

The Voice

White and black, singing as one. Red, brown, yellow and blue too. Kiwis united. The way it should be. We can be one too. Australia is a great country, the greatest on earth. Yes will make it even better. I am voting yes. Why wouldn’t you?

Isn’t it Just Great?

For a long time now we have been telling you that Sam Kerr is as genius, a great Australian sportsperson beyond the pale and beyond compare. Sam is God, we said. And do you know what? She is too. Whoever would have thought Australia would be so excited about a women’s soccer tournament? Whoever […]

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