Some History About Peter Profit

We would like to thank reader Bill Edwards for sending us in these snippets of historical information about the great QLD pacer after whom this website is named. It is greatly appreciated, although we must confess it is a shock to learn than Peter Profit was originally a New South Welshman. Oh well, I guess Greg Inglis was too.

Peter Profit was originally trained by Frank Donohoe at North Katoomba behind the tiny showground track, and further north than the Hosp[ital.

Frank, of course married and later separated from Nancy Chisholm, but that breeding has left us with Alan Donohoe and Brad Chisholm.

Margaret’s brother Ross died a few years back.

The daughter of Frank and Margaret still runs a stud in Queensland.

At this point I’d like to add that Jim Chisholm (the patriarch), who led the Western District Championship until Tony Turnbull came along, was probably the first to die from what is now known as Hendra disease.

He carried out his own autopsy on a horse of his that had died in his yards at Leura in the Blue Mountains, and dug a hole and then cut into the horses belly.

Apart from the famous Hendra case we know of (Vic Rail) there was one other that explained what takes place. It happened to a 26-year-old vet from Redland Bay who did exactly the same as Jim and died of Encephalitis.

The smell from the bell of the horse gets into the brain, and sadly cripples it.

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