People Who Eat Meat and Get Their Shots Don’t Take Cheap Ones Against a Good Man, Who Just Going About His Job to Feed His Family

Abbott outed for two years for punching steward

Paul Zimmermann is his name, and although we no longer speak and haven’t for years, it’s not because dislike or disrespect each other, it’s just that we like and value what we each individually do a nose or longer more. That’s a choice we both had to make, and made: our passion and our craft versus our friendship.

What true friend would put his own needs for fellow male companionship first before his mate’s heart’s desire and his chance to do well for his family?

Not me or Zim, that’s for sure.

He’s a good bloke Zim, and as a Steward he is doing a good bloke’s job, and doing it with the utmost honesty and integrity too.

A man like him does not deserve to be punched in the head by a grub like trot trainer Justin Abbott during a routine stable inspection, and he does not deserve to have his character smeared and defamed by a piece of shit who is lying like a pig in mud.

Subsequently, the applicant described a point at which Mr Zimmerman was on the phone to Mr Mackay, when the applicant
says Mr Zimmerman came at him having put the phone down and having taken his glasses off. (This too was a matter in dispute)
On the applicant’s version, that is when the contact took place. 

Paul Zimmerman has been near legally blind without glasses since the age of about 18.

From time to time when pissed we used to pinch his glasses, and the (stupidly bad in hindsight) joke was that Paul couldn’t see two inches in front of his face, and would trip and fall flat on it. The chances that he would – or could – take off his spectacles prior to launching a physical assault on a person are absolutely zero. The bloke is Mr Magoo.

I will tell you what though, if he was able to do what Justin Abbott falsely claimed the trot man would have been in a bit of trouble, for Zim is deceptively as strong as an ox, and can fight like a caged tiger, and if anyone doesn’t believe it I can produce a dozen witnesses to prove you wrong. He was a state standard 800m runner and AFL player as a youth, and has the coordination of lightning, he just decided to apply his physical talents first to harness racing, and later his mental strength to the broader racing game too.

That’s not the point of the story though.

The point is that these undercover Anti-Vax, Vegan, violence lovers posing as real greyhound people are the type who would back the rabbit Abbott and his sneak rabbit punches on a good man just going about his business and earning his daily bread.

These aren’t real dog people.

They are radicals.

They have one aim, and one aim only.

To bring greyhound racing down.

Fuck them.

Their are no fences to sit on in wars.

I know which side I am on?

What about you?

The articles published on this site are the honestly held opinion of the author, based on observation, research and the materials available to and read or watched by them. The author makes no representation that the opinions expressed are strictly factual or provable in law. Racing is funded by public money, and issues to do with racing and gambling are matters of public interest. The honestly held opinions expressed in articles on the site are published on the basis of the public interest in the integrity of racing. Should any person believe that the author's opinions expressed herein are incorrect we encourage them to contact the author at with their concerns, and appropriate corrections, alteration and deletions where appropriate will be made.
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