Liar, Liars, Pants on Fire, And Wage Thieves to Boot – What Would You Expect From a Spiv Called Godfrey and His Little Boy Anyway?

Darren is a senior HR leader with deep knowledge of HR services, and a demonstrated ability to develop and implement best practice HR strategies and solutions, aligned with an organisation’s strategic plan.

For over 20 years, Darren has been designing and leading innovative HR services, policies and processes.

He has a background in operational HR and HR leadership roles with national and global organisations, and has developed a wealth of experience in organisational effectiveness.

Meet Darren Latham.

He’s a wage thief.

His boss Godfrey Mantle (pictured below) is too.

Godfrey is one of the richest men in QLD.

He has become rich by ripping off low paid workers.

Darren Latham was his Field-Major who made it possible.

The pair conspired to set up a false collective employment agreement (an EBA) that ripped vulnerable workers off by paying them an hourly rate that was up to $24 an hour less than they should have been paid.

They lied, lied like fuck, and then lied some more to achieve their dirty greed driven goal.

Dirty Darren Latham did it, but Godfrey Mantle – is that a wankers name or what? – told him to, or at the very least leaned on him to make sure that he did.

Latham lied to Fair Work Australia to make them believe that the workers voted to accept their wages being slashed like an orange sliced up with a samurai sword.

He told the government regulator that 5 employees were at the time supposedly covered by the collective employment agreement, and that they had all voted in favor of the samurai sliced wages.

There was only one problem.

All of the 5 were all bosses who  were paid salaries, and were not covered by the agreement at all.

The whole thing was nothing but a fraud and a lie.

Grand wage theft auto, 101.

Mantle did it to make himself even richer than he already is, which is rich beyond an average worker’s wildest dreams.

Latham did it for money too, in his case salary, but also because he is a lying, wage thieving, cheating cunt who thinks working people are nothing more than pieces of shit, just like senior racing integrity officials think that greyhound trainers are too.

Well I’m sorry to tell you people, but the only pieces of shit are you.

Thanks to the incredible efforts of the United Workers Union, Mantle and Latham have been sprung.

Fair Work Australia have delivered a decision that has done them like a dinner.

Godfrey Mantle – who is a major on the books donor to political parties, and an even bigger one behind the scenes (trust me I know, cos I have seen it first hand back in my days working in politics – is now up for tens of millions of dollars in back pay.

His high level foot soldier Latham has been referred to the AFP for prosecution.

I hope they do prosecute the prick, and throw the kitchen sink at him.

Poor kids still get jailed in the 21st century for stealing food to put on the table to feed their siblings.

Latham stole multi millions off workers, and walks around town eating $100 Angus steaks for lunch.

Fuck him, and fuck Godfrey Mantle too.

He is the man behind all this.

The master thief.

A criminal mastermind.

It’s Godfrey Mantle who should go down the hardest, not his boy.

Mantle still might too.

When push comes to shove, and smart arse sport turns to potential time behind  bars, do you really reckon that Dirty Darren’s going to keep his mouth shut and risk taking the fall?

Or do think he might just pot the person who ordered him to do it?

I will bet you $501 the former, and if you want to give me $1.04 the latter I will take it for everything I have, and then ask you to hold the price while I run off and beg for a whole lot more to put on it too.

You can only hope that they enjoyed it while it lasted.

Their slaves didn’t.

Then again, I guess slaves never do.

Give us a ring from jail if you need any toothpaste.

I haven’t laughed and told anyone to fuck off for a while.

It is clear that the Deputy President substantially relied on the matters asserted in Mr Latham’s Form F17 declaration in determining
to approve the Hot Wok Agreement.

As we have found, that declaration was false or misleading in a number of respects, including as to the purported information sessions, the voting process and the number of employees covered by the agreement.

It is apparent that this was the result of deliberate conduct on the part of Mr Latham in that, having regard to his position, knowledge and experience and his role in the process of “making” the Hot Wok Agreement, he knew what the true position was but chose to misrepresent or falsify this in his declaration.

The Form F17 declaration and any documents accompanying it are, in most cases, the principal or even sole source of information upon which the Commission relies in determining whether an enterprise agreement meets the approval criteria in ss 186 and 187. The process for considering applications for the approval of enterprise agreements would break down entirely if, in every case, the Commission was required to “go behind” and investigate for itself the truth of the matters asserted in such declarations.

A person who knowingly gives false or misleading information or knowingly produces a false or misleading document in support of an application for approval of an enterprise agreement is guilty of an offence under ss 137.1 and 137.2 of the Commonwealth Criminal Code.

Accordingly, we will request that the General Manager of the Commission consider whether Mr Latham’s conduct in respect of his Form F17 declaration in this matter should be the subject of a referral to the Australian Federal Police.

The articles published on this site are the honestly held opinion of the author, based on observation, research and the materials available to and read or watched by them. The author makes no representation that the opinions expressed are strictly factual or provable in law. Racing is funded by public money, and issues to do with racing and gambling are matters of public interest. The honestly held opinions expressed in articles on the site are published on the basis of the public interest in the integrity of racing. Should any person believe that the author's opinions expressed herein are incorrect we encourage them to contact the author at with their concerns, and appropriate corrections, alteration and deletions where appropriate will be made.
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