Shut the Whole Thing Down

Objectives of Racing Integrity Board (RIB) The objectives of the Board are to promote, and ensure compliance with, high standards of animal welfare, integrity, and professionalism by participants in the racing industry for the benefit of the public, participants, and the racing industry as a whole. It’s hard to say they have achieved it, isn’t […]

HRNZ CEO Gary Woodham is a Liar, a Hypocrite, and a Man Drenched in Dollars Reaped From Self-Interests and Conflicts – This Man Should Be Sacked Right Now – NZ Harness Racing Has No Hope if He Stays

“One thing we need to know is what will be the horse population look like in the future. Do we have enough highly-rated horses to make our top races fair and competitive?” Gary Woodham, CEO Harness Racing New Zealand. August 2022 “This goes in line with trying to keep our breeding numbers up and encouraging […]

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