The Auckland Trotting Club Just Keeps on Throwing Its Members Good Money After Bad – And Making Bad Decisions With Money That’s Not Its Own

The Auckland Trotting Club has been a train wreck ever since the then committee decided that they would gamble all of the club members money and assets on a bunch of utterly unqualified Director’s ability to transform themselves from record store owners (Rod ‘Biscuits’ Croon) and watch salesman (Jamie ‘Watches’ Mackinnon) into large scale property […]

How Does Land Valued at Get Sold For Exactly $100 Million? – The Same Way That Crocodiles Appear Under the Auckland Harbour Bridge

With money you are a dragon; with no money, a worm. (Chinese Proverb) CBRE are not just top shelf property valuation experts, they are the global leaders in the trade. They have valued the Auckland Trotting Club’s training complex and land at Franklin Park, Pukekohe as being worth around $31 million. The ATC claim that […]

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