A Four-Legged Lottery

Moodie Blues – The Past Follows Half a Man – Or He Follows It (First Published 22 March 2022)

David Moodie was once the Chairman of Racing Victoria.

He was also the paedophile trainer Gerald Ryan’s biggest owner, and his greatest supporter.

When Dan Nikolic spoke out about Ryan’s attack on him as an apprentice, and other jockey’s who had been victims of the grub trainer’s abuse or attempted abuse joined in the chorus with their stories of what had happened to them, a meeting was called of all the stable staff.

Moodie stared all the young people down, and asked them to put up their hand if they believed Danny and the accusers, or if they believed Gerald Ryan.

They believed Nikolic and the other kids, because they were telling the truth.

The whole thing was then covered up.

David Moodie was believed to be complicit in the cover up.

My personal view as a survivor is that anyone complicit in concealing sexual abuse, or protecting the perpetrators, is as guilty as they are.

The law now agrees with me.

It didn’t then.

I moved to Far North Queensland to escape the memories of the past, and to bask in a new life.

Although I have never met David Moodie, and do not want to, it appears the past follows you.

A couple of years ago Moodie bought a luxury property 14km south of Port Douglas.

Cottonwood is its name.

It’s as flash as.

No doubt it was bought in part with the earnings from winning racehorses trained by Gerald Ryan.

David Moodie has turned it into a wedding venue.

Many Far North Queensland celebrants are claiming that he doesn’t pay, or that he shaves them on their agreed fees.

I have spoken to a few recently.

The paedophile Ryan’s former employer is not in their good books.

It is not surprising.

David Moodie is not in the good books of many.

I wonder how it feels being a K. Hunt.

I hope I never find out.

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