The Pedo and the George Pell of Racing – Gerald Ryan and David Moodie Must Be Stood Down From the Sport – We Don’t Want or Need There Types Here

So finally, many months after we warned you it was going to happen, the awful, unforgiveable pedophile Gerald Ryan (pictured above) is under investigation for what I am happy to stand here at the threat of defamation action and say is his awful crimes against innocents, and his unspeakably evil cover-up merchant millionaire mate David Moodie has been pulled into the frame as well, and quite rightly too.

You can run Davey boy, but you can’t hide.

Your sins will always find you out in the end.

Moodie Blues – The Past Follows Half a Man – Or He Follows It

I told you about this pair, and I have told you about them repeatedly.

Gerald Ryan is a pedophile, and David Moodie was his protector.

People like Terry Bailey and his mates and supporters who were too fucking egotistical or self-absorbed or interested or blind to see that jockeys like Jamie Evans, and Danny Nikolic, and Mark Goring weren’t the bad guys, but rather just fucked up kids who shouldn’t have  been, they carry some burden of guilt too.

But it’s Moodie who carries the most.

Ryan is just a sick fuck who was probably raped as a kid himself, and in some deep, dark, demonic way couldn’t help himself from inflicting the torture that he suffered on others. It’s no excuse, other than a good one for why irredeemable sickos like him shouldn’t be tied to a stake by the State and shot, but it’s not as bad as Moodie and Pell’s crimes of doing it for profit and power.

Trust me when I tell you this, because it’s my mates who were the victims, and they trust me enough to tell you.

Gerald Ryan did it, pretty much everything that you are going to hear.

But all roads lead back to the meeting held at Hobson’s Lodge Stables in April 1996, a meeting at which the stable owner David Moodie – who at the time was having huge success with the child sex offender Ryan as his trainer – leant on a group of young and/or low-paid racing industry workers to say that what was true about his trainer wasn’t so.

It was David Moodie who deliberately covered it up, and everything that was followed over the past three decades is almost entirely down to him.

Moodie is a piece of shit.

He has all but ruined a much maligned good man named Danny Nikolic’s life over this.

Mark Goring lost his.

Jamie Evans has lived for decades in torment begging on the streets.

All because of this pair.

David Moodie didn’t do the actual dirty deeds, the scumbag sicko Gerald Ryan did.

But Moodie is the powerful millionaire who covered it all up.

Just like the thankfully dead George Pell, what happened after the abuse is all his fault.

I hope he burns in hell for it, just like Pell.

For the moment that’s not possible, but there is something that it.

Ryan and Moodie should both be stood down from racing right now, this instant.

Peter V’Landys had the guts and the decency to put Jack De Belin’s contract on ice under the no fault rule, and what he did was totally right.

Do Racing Victoria have the guts to take the same stance against Moodie, and does PVL have the ticker to do it again in the case of Ryan.

I hope so.

Peter is a a good bloke.

So are Danny, Jamie and Mark, may he rest in peace.

We have let these men down for long enough,  and allowed people who aren’t men like David Moodie and Gerald Ryan to reign supreme.

How do think it makes the innocents that they molested feel?

Walk for a mile in their shoes.

They have to be stood down.

Decency demands that there is no other choice.

You’re a champion Peter V’Landys, I have said so forever.

Now is the time to prove me right.

Do it Peter.

You know you have to.

If you don’t how are you going look at yourself in the mirror?

Do it.

Stand Gerald Ryan down.

Do it now mate.

Do it.

The articles published on this site are the honestly held opinion of the author, based on observation, research and the materials available to and read or watched by them. The author makes no representation that the opinions expressed are strictly factual or provable in law. Racing is funded by public money, and issues to do with racing and gambling are matters of public interest. The honestly held opinions expressed in articles on the site are published on the basis of the public interest in the integrity of racing. Should any person believe that the author's opinions expressed herein are incorrect we encourage them to contact the author at with their concerns, and appropriate corrections, alteration and deletions where appropriate will be made.
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