Notice to Readers
There will be no new stories published today. The author is unwell. Our apologies.
That Had to Hurt
When is a Dead Foal Not a Dead? – When it’s a Non-Life
Back in the day missed, slipped or dead foals were called exactly that. Not anymore though. Now they’re called non-lives. How can we avoid being one of them? The answer would be worth trillions.
How Much Can a Koala Bear?
If you are married to yours truly for 30 odd years then the answer has to be a lot. I’d cover my eyes if I had to look at me next to you naked in bed too. Anyone would. And who could possibly blame them, other than me?
Have You Ever Seen a Bigger Omen Bet in Your Life?
This dog just had to be a moral didn’t it? Sweet Valentine on Valentine’s Day. It saluted on it’s ear. Next stop Theidesofmarch on the 15th of next month. Then after that Easter Bunny on the 31st. Then Santa Klaws at end of December. What’s in a name? Plenty. Just ask Sweet Valentine.
The Evil Evening Cloud Over Port Douglas as the Water Goes Out Again
Does that thing look friendly? I don’t think so. Look like we’re in for nasty weather Australia. There’s a bad moon on the rise.
Public Service Announcement
The author is bombed out on painkillers after having surgery yesterday, and was unable to write last night. Anything he would have written wouldn’t have made sense anyway due to the heavy duty nature of the drugs the doct0r gave him. We hope that he can write again today or tonight, if I can get […]
Leave Poor Meghan Alone – She Was the Homecoming Queen
Meghan Markle (born Rachel Meghan Markle) is an American Model and Actress who appeared as Briefcase Model #24 during season two of the NBC Game Show Deal or No Deal. Meghan was born in Los Angeles, California on August 4, 1981 to an African-American mother and a Dutch and Irish descent father, who is a retired photography director. […]
Quotes of the Week
Live or Die Passes (RIP) – Nevele R Stud I guess he died. Spellbound has been withdrawn following a freak accident – HRNZ Damn those witches brews. They’re just like COVID vaccines. They don’t work She’d come here specially for the Race by Grins, after taking up a slot owned by the Hole in the […]